How does the Auto-scheduler work?

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We use an automatic scheduling system to fill any times in the schedule that have not been filled. Producers can mark their episodes to not be selected in the autoscheduler at all or can select a date after which they do not want episodes to be selected. This date can be deleted at a later time if a producer wants to have the episode back in the rotation. Those episodes will still be available for on-demand streaming. Producers can select any of their own programs to schedule at any time.

The autoscheduler runs every 15 minutes and looks at the schedule for the next 24 hours.  If it finds holes in the schedule, it will fill them.

Rules the AutoScheduler Follows

Regular series timeslots:

    Do not select anything that has been marked "Do not Autoschedule"
    Do not select anything after the "Do not show after" date
    If it is between 6AM and 1, do not select anything that has been marked "Mature"
    Find last episode that has aired for the series.
    If there isn't an episode that has aired (or if all of the episodes are marked with "Do not Autoschedule", find a random show matching the theme of the series that has aired within the last month.

Theme timeslots:

    Do not select anything that has been marked "Do not Autoschedule"
    Do not select anything after the "Do not show after" date
    If it is between 6AM and 1, do not select anything that has been marked "Mature"
    Find a random episode that has been shown in the last month that matches the theme

If a producer has not scheduled a show and has marked all of their shows with "Do not autoschedule", there is a possibility that their show will not show during their timeslot, and a completely different show will be scheduled by the autoscheduler.