SCM Hours Change

We are changing the hours Seattle Community Media is open.  The changes are as follows:

-We are no longer providing "No Help Mondays."

-We will be opening an hour earlier on Wednesdays and Thursdays, at Noon. 

-On Wednesdays SCM will stay open until 7:30pm.  On Thursdays SCM will only be open until 5:30pm. 

-Due to the change in operating hours, there is a new slot of time in Stuido B, from Noon until 1:30pm. 

Becoming a NEW Producer

Are you interested in becoming a NEW producer-member?
Please click here and fill out the information requested. A staff member will contact you with information on how to become a member and how to pay for your membership.

If you are already a member with a username on the old website, do NOT use this link. Instead, Validate your old membership, and follow the instructions that will be emailed to you.


Legacy Producers

If you are already a member with a username on the old website, use the below button to validate your old account and transfer your membership to the new site.
